Friday, February 16, 2007

hats and hair cuts

i have had nothing but fun knitting hats lately and of course found one more pattern yesterday that i just had to try out. so hubby bought me the book and i went home and worked on another green hat all night and just finished it up a few ago.
but while we were out i got a hair cut finally. havent seen a hair solon in ages . my hair was all one length and all the way down to the top of my but. and i was so so tired of washing it . would take me forever and lots of soap and three towels. so while we were out and about i told hubby i want a hair cut and i want one badly. he stopped by the solon on our way through the mall and they had an opening at 12 noon. when i got in the lady said ok what do you want . i said a hair cut sholder length and i want it layered and i want bangs. she asked me first before we got started if it was ok if she cut my hair before we washed it or began i can i donate it to locks of love? i asked her want locks of love was and she said its a charity foundation that takes hair like i am asking you for and makes wigs for cancer patients for free . would you like to dontate your hair. i said sure thing. and it made me feel so wonderful that all that hair i had jsut ignored for the past 5 years was going to go serve a good deed for someone who needed it .
sooooooooo the hat the hat hum sounds like da plane da plane LOL
like i said i have this hat pattern i found in a new book called Felt It! by Maggie Pace. on page 79 . that hat is a total wowww.
well i knit it up and when i was done i took it out to show mike . i smiled and said mike what you think? he said what is it grams ? its a hat for your auntie polly for her birthday next week. he smiled laughed and said yea for auntie pollies big big head LOL i said be nice now mikey and watch the magic. and i took the hat and threw it into the washing machine.
before i tell you about how wow it is let me tell you i did put it on my head first and it went right over my head and came down to my solders LOL i couldtn even see out it was like this huge green bag that was knit up and there i was calling it a hat LOL
i made sure i tucked the flowers into a nylon sock when i washed those so i wouldnt loose them. and i let the washing machine rip. kept checking to see if the magic had happened every 2 mins or so. and for the longest time nothing and i was beginning to wonder if i was totally wrong would this happen or not. and then walla it did and i pulled out this awesome hat . put it on my head and showed it to mike said see what ya think now he said is that the same hat you were showing me oh oh i know you felted it wowwwwwwww that is so cool he said he loved how it did that felting thing and how thick this one turned out . show stiff it was and thought once it dries its going to turn into one heck of a hat. i sewed on the flowers and the sunflower button hubby picked out for it shaped it one more time on my head and then put it on the candle holder i have that is nice and head shaped round to air dry over night. once done then its time to wrap it up .
oh yea take pictures of it frist yep yep
awe but hubby likes to take me shopping and this time he got me a bag full of yarn he took great pride in picking out all the colors this one that one maybe this one yep yep that one and NO GREEN !!! told me i have to begin making my hats in other colors LOL
yep the next one in this pattern is going to be in purple and lavender :)

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