Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The disaster of the Purple hat and how it turned out ok

after doing all that knitting and after running out of yarn and waiting for the store to open up patiently i was finally done knitting the purple hat and ready to felt it in the washing machine. totally happy i was so close to done
awe but then after taking this picture of how huge it is before felting it and throwing it in the wash. and going back to check on it. i pulled out what could have been a disaster . the purple felted up nicely but the 100 %wool yarn from Joann's hubby bought wouldn't even budge not one inch wouldn't felt at all and nothing on the label indicated it wouldn't . hubby was totally disgusted said throw it all out. to which i said no if it wont felt up not a problem i will just use it to make hats for those family members don't know what cold was is for . with that i pulled out a pair of scissors and trimmed off the lavender yarn that was hanging off the purple hat looking really ugly. took the purple and shaped it on the candle holder that doubles as my hat mold placed paper towel in the brim i turned up and now it is sitting in the bedroom drying slowly in the cold Alaskan air for what its worth LOL waiting to see what i will decide to do with it next.

paper towels rolled up and stuffed in the brim to keep the brims shape as it dries

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I am glad you were able to save the hat!! I love it when things turn out bad but unexpectedly you realize you can fix it. Bravo!