Thursday, February 22, 2007

Da Egg and I

ok call me obsessive .... what ever. i know i am and that is ok
the spring challenge is going to save my sanity for sure . ( that is just life with mikey talking there ) so lately i work on it off and on off and on.
ideas swimming around in my head . i have the basics down on what i want it to look like as far as shaping it goes. wrote all that down drew that all out.
measurements and all.
it should be this high ....this wide......... this shape....... have this do this with and that .
all questions asked i brought out the yarns and picked out the frist contender.
a very old ball of fishermans yarn so it used to be called. good thing i stored it in a old sandwich bag over the years LOL i have learned yarns are like a good wine if kept in good condition they just are so much better over the years.

time to do a swatch. knit 10 stitches and 10 rows and then wash it to see how it felted up. and of course knit one more that i wouldnt do the felting with . so i would be able to see them side by side and know if this contender is even worthy of knitting up as an easter egg.
that poor swatch was treated like a drowning person. glub glub into the wash tub. ( stuck it in a nylon sock and tied the end closed ) check you out see if you shrunk nope down again glub glub glub . two times down and that should have told me no go. it did felt but not totally. i can still see stitches. but i am thinking that may work to my advantage.
heck i even tried dropping the little thing into my small coffee maker to see if it would felt up more LOL just a tade was all.
sooooo now that its drying its time to do one thing i am not good on at all. and that is the math. ugh your talking to a knitter who cant balance her check book on a good day with a pocket callculator LOL oh well that is what i got hubby for he said he would do all the figuring for me later on.
meanwhile i will begin to work on dreaming up a drawing for the outside . though we did discuss what to do with the inside of the egg. seems he wants me to knit a tiny chick to put in a nest in there LOL and he is serious.
and that leaves me standing by the coffee pot with the wool swatch cooking away thinking yep this is what you call a real challenge . one i know is going to be alot of sanity saving fun for me over the next few weeks :)

1 comment:

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

"Oh you can do it, yes you can. If anyone can do it, Crissy can!"

That's just me cheering you on. Whoohoo, you're cooking up an egg in a coffee ...