Friday, February 23, 2007

"Da egg and I" adventures continue day 3

Da Egg ready to stuff full of goodies
using a pencil shapener i honed down the chop stick and used a wallnut ink pad from my scrapbooking supplies to stain it. and clear nail polish to cover it after i sanded it down good you can also see1/2 of the egg peice i used as a mold for this project.
couple more chop sticks ready to use for tiny knitting needles i took some paper clay out and rolled that to make the nobs for the tops of these when dry i will glue those on good and then paint the tiny knitting needles
Da Egg so far for today

earlier this am when it was not even close to light out i wrote this ....

oh oh no no your not doing this no way egg!!! yep i woke up this am to the egg dried so good. it was wonderful cut the yarn away and then found it had stiffened so well it took alot of tough tugging and a stick i broke to get it off the mold LOL but i got that done was afraid it would loose its shape. so took the mold apart it is in two sections and layed the whole thing side by side put Da Egg on top of both sprayed it again for gps and now i wait one more time for it all to dry. then i have to work on regaining its fluff. not a problem at all just a tooth brush and and fluf that puppy up. my other probelm is to make something to keep it open so you can see inside . hummmmm oh yea a chop stick which means once i cut that to size i have to also make some loops to put on the egg to hold the stick. hummmmm arent i lucky its dark as dark can be at 6:33 am and i cant see nothing. Mike is still fast asleep , I cant find my tiny flash light so i can check out where he put the pencil sharpener LOL to i can sharpen the points on both ends of the chop stick to make it look like a tiny dp needle. maybe i will even paint it yellow or some such thing we will see.
once i am done locating and making the chop stick look like a dp needle its then time to move onto the what to stuff inside Da Egg so i can put in the chicks.
and i think those are going to be stitch markers laying around and maybe even a circluar row counter stitch marker. use knitting items for the little things inside. hum i am getting even more ideas as i blog. LOL i sure do love mornings a good time to be creative. for sure. oh yea i cant even locate my cell phone this am so i can take pictures LOL

ok cell phone located pictures taken pencil shapener not found but found another one that worked


Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh WOW, Crissy ... this is going to be so neat! Way to go. I love the thought process you're putting into it and your artistic talent is coming thru too. Did you get some colored roving also? I'll be back to see your progress. Soon I'll be working on the Tea Cozy contest I'm entering. And yup, I'm needle felting part of that also. Go figure!

c h r i s t i n e said...

Wow that lokos great! I am completely jealous of your skillz. (Skills with a Z means you're a gangster.) I'm completely impressed by your egg!

crissy said...

ok what are colored rovings? the needles came in the mail while i was out gathering items i need to build the egg goodies for inside.